May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Londonthorpe & Harrowby “Without” Parish Council
Clerk; Peter A Armstrong 27 Belton Ave Grantham Lincs NG31 9JE
Tel 07929321426 E-mail
Dear Parish Councillor;
You are summoned to attend a Parish Council Meeting of the above Parish Council @ Belmont School, on Wednesday 17th May 2023 This will be held in the Studio not the Hall
The Council meeting will also include a ten-minute open session to which parishioners are invited to attend and speak. This will follow item three on the agenda.
Prior to meeting starting all Councillors to have completed their Forms of Acceptance Etc
23/1 Election of Chair
23/2 Signing of Declaration- Chair
23/3 Election of Vice Chair
23/4 Declaration of Interests & Dispensation Requests
23/5 To Fill Three Casual Vacancies by Co-option
23/6 New Members to Sign Acceptance Papers
23/7 Clerks Notes of 8th Mar 2023 to be Confirmed as the Minutes of that Meeting.
23/8 Clerks Report on Progress [Items not Covered on the Agenda.
23/9 Receive Details of Financial Statement No 1 & Any Late Payments From 22/23
• Community Cleaner/Handyman Salary Mar/Apr - Clerks Salary Mar/Apr, HMRC
• Office Supplies/General Expenses
• Membership. Scribe, SLCC, LALC, CPRE,
• Grass Cutting
• Repairs:
• Hills & Hollows/Working Party etc.
• Income
• Other Known Expenditure Prior to the Next Meeting; Insurance, ICO, Tree Works Withambrook, Salaries, ETC
• Confirm Financial Statement No.1
23/9a Complete Banking Forms with New Signatories
23/10 Audit: Agree Annual Governance Statement
23/10a Audit: Agree Accounting Statement
23/11 Leisure & Outdoor Committee to include the following.
a. L&O Committee Meeting Report Back if Any.
b. Playground Safety Report [update].
c. Withambrook Tree Works
d. Blessed Hugh More Site. Licence etc. Progress etc- Orphan Land: Any Update Regards Progress
e. Jubilee Mount
f. Hills and Hollows (Update)
g. Grass Cutting around the Parish.
h. Working Party.
i. Bridge End Grove: any Updates re Grant.
j. Best Kept Gardens
k. Defibrillators
l. Parish Tour: Set Date
23/12 Planning Applications Received & Follow Ups.
• Latest Applications
• Any updates re Boldersons/Bloor Homes Expected Application & Belton Park Amended.
• Update on last meetings items.
• Southern Quadrant/Spitalgate Heath; Report Planning Meeting.
23/13 Highway Matters
23/14 Tom Childs Award Nominees!
23/15 Policies: Confirm Acceptance of Adapted Model Code of Conduct & Amended Standing Orders. (March Meeting)
23/16 Allocate Councillors to Cover all Areas of the Councils Business
23/17 Correspondence
23/18 Matters not covered on this Agenda but for the July Meeting.
Apologies should be forwarded to the Clerk before the meeting please. Yours Sincerely P A Armstrong Clerk/RFO