May 2021 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Dear Parish Councillor
You are summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council Meeting of the above Parish Council.
This will be a Virtual Meeting on Zoom on Wednesday 5th May 2021 @ 7.15pm. Note Later Time. Link below.
The Council meeting will also include a ten-minute open session to which parishioners are invited to speak.
21/1 Apologies & Welcome
21/2 One Minutes Silence in Respect of Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh.
21/3 Resolution to Change Standing Order Number 2a reference Chairman’s Term of Office. (Proposed R Wright V-Chair)
21/4 Election of Officers
21/5 Signing of Declaration Chairman
21/6 To Fill Casual Vacancies by Co-option
21/7 Signing of Acceptance of Office Forms
21/8 Declaration of Interests & Dispensation Requests
21/9 Clerks Notes of 13th Jan 2021 to be confirmed as the Minutes of that Meeting.
21/10 Clerks Report on Progress [Items not covered on the Agenda].
21/11 Receive Details of Financial Statement No 1 (this will include details for the period (12/1/21-31/3/21 i.e. No 6 from 20/21) This then becomes part of the 2020-21 Audit.
Community Cleaner/Handyman Salary and Clerks Salary Feb/Mar & Apr/May
Office Supplies/General Expenses
Membership. ICO, SLCC, LALC, CPRE
Grass Cutting
Hills & Hollows
Working Party
Community Cleaner Interviews
Petty Cash. (Breakdown of Expenditure)
Other Known Expenditure Prior to the Next Meeting
Confirm Financial Statement No.1
21/12a Audit Annual Governance Statement, Confirm adherence to regulation’s etc.
21/12b Audit Agree Accounting Statement
21/13 Leisure & Outdoor Committee:
Playground Safety Report [update].
Update re Vacancy for a Community Cleaner/Litter Picker.
Covid 19 Update
Withambrook Play Area
Londonthorpe Play Equipment Update
Hills and Hollows (Update) Granite Seat -Tree Planting
Bridge End Grove
Working Parties. Withambrook and Londonthorpe.
Woodland Trust Five Gates Update.
21/14 Blessed Hugh More Consultation: Any Update: items raised in letter from parishioners.
21/15 Planning Applications Received & Follow Ups. Latest Applications.
Any Update re S18/0944 The ‘Cold Harbour Travellers Site’ if any.
Report on Planning Meeting Re S20/2223
Prince William of Gloucester Barracks: Scoping S21/0706 Response from discussion held on the 22nd of April.
Southern Quadrant/Spitalgate Heath update:
21/16 Highway Matters Londonthorpe Planters. Speeding Harrowby Lane, Lincs Road Safety Partnership.
21/17 Newsletter
21/18 Policies (Standing Orders, amended to allow for Internet Meetings as per Government Guidelines)
21/19 Correspondence
21/20 Matters not covered on this Agenda but for the July Meeting
Apologies should be forwarded to the Clerk before the meeting please.
Yours Sincerely P. A. Armstrong Clerk/RFO.
As agreed, Councillors should, where possible forward any queries/comments on items they have or received, to me the Clerk before the meeting please. This will enable me give out the correct up to date information.