March 2019 Agenda
Dear Parish Councillor 2/3/2019
You are summoned to attend a Parish Council Meeting of the above Parish Council
@ Belmont School, on Wednesday 13th March 2019
This will be preceded by the Parish Annual MEETING @7.00pm.
The Council meeting will also include a ten minute open session to which parishioners are invited to attend and speak.
18/70 Apologies
18/71 Declaration of Interests & Dispensation Requests
18/72 Clerks Notes of 9th Jan 2019 to be confirmed as the Minutes of that Meeting
18/73 Clerks Report on Progress [Items not covered on the Agenda].
18/74 Receive Details of Financial Statement No 6
- Community Cleaner/Handyman Salary Jan/Feb
- Clerks Salary Jan/Feb
- Clerks Annual Expenses, Broadband/Mobile etc
- Office Supplies/General Expenses.
- Repairs
- Hills & Hollows
- Working Party
- Play Equipment
- ROSPA Inspection
- Newsletter
- Petty Cash. (Breakdown of Expenditure)
- Income
- Other Known Expenditure Prior to the Next Meeting {also items for discussion in L&O report.}
- Confirm Financial Statement No.6
18/75 Planning Applications Received & Follow Ups.
- Latest Applications
- Any update re S17/0566 Appeal Notification of Harrowby Hill proposed development.
- Any Update re S18/0944 The ‘Cold Harbour Travellers Site’.
- Update on last meetings items.
- Southern Quadrant/Spitalgate Heath; Report Planning Meeting.
- Enforcement
- Report back from J Anderson on the Western Power Meeting
18/76 Leisure & Outdoor Committee to include the following;
- L&O Committee Meeting report back.
- Playground Safety Report [update].
- Hills and Hollows (Update)
- Play Areas New Equipment
- Grass Cutting around the Parish (New Contract)
- Working Party.
- “Daily Mail” Great Litter Pick
- Bridge End Grove
- Defibrillator
18/77 Highway Matters (Including Flooding Update)
18/78 Tom Childs Award
18/79 Newsletter
18/80 Elections Update
18/81 Correspondence
18/82 Matters not covered on this Agenda but for the May meeting
Apologies should be forwarded to the Clerk, before the meeting please.
Yours Sincerely
P A Armstrong Clerk/RFO