November 2019 Minutes

Londonthorpe & Harrowby Without Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 13th November 2019 at Belmont School 7.00pm

Public Open Session; there were two parishioners present who were candidates for the vacant position.

Councillors present; John Anderson, Geoff Parnham, Avril Gregory, Richard Keeler, Paul Bakker, Paul Bavin, Janie Lee, Yolanda Martin, George Chivers and Roland Wright. (10 Members were present.).

Geoff Parnham the Chairperson took the Chair. Pete Armstrong the Clerk took the notes.


Apologies; Margery Radley and Wayne Charley


Declarations of Interest; None.


Vacancies on the Council. There was one vacancy to be filled; this has been advertised in the Newsletter to all residents. As three candidates had come forward to fill the place a co-option vote by councillors was to be undertaken. The Clerk explained the procedure for filling this space. One candidate had sent his apologies as he was away from home, none the less all three were included in the vote.

The two candidate’s present were given the opportunity to add to the information they had already supplied. The vote took place by all councillors being given a voting slip. These were then counted by the Clerk and a clear winner by 8 votes to 2 was Carol Markwell a resident of Londonthorpe. She was duly congratulated and welcomed to the council by G Parnham the Chairman.


Clerks Notes of the 11th September 2019 meeting were accepted as a true record and became the minutes. Proposed by J Anderson, seconded R Keeler, all members agreed.


Clerks Update on Matters Arising; none, all items covered within the agenda.


Financial Statement No.4.

The Clerk/RFO went through the financial report in the usual fine detail explaining all the payments etc. Cheques were made out for the following; The Community Cleaners and Clerks salaries for the last two months Sept & Oct totalling £1469.12 plus HMRC £315 were paid. Grass Cutting by R Webster for July/Aug and Sept/Oct both of £486 Inc VAT £81) were paid. S137 monies of £250 were allocated to St Johns for Grass Cutting and £200 to the Organ repair Fund. The Tom Childs Award Luncheon cost a total of £142.54 of which £30 has been received back form councillor donations. The Award of £200 was paid to the winners nominated charity Grantham Disabled Children’s Ass. Viking Signs £107.10 (VAT £17.85) for replacement signs and councillor badges.

Petty Cash expenditure owed to the Clerk during the last two months amounted to £375.93 this included Office General(Stamps) £35.89, Working Party £19.27(£1.17), Best Kept Gardens £168.97 (£1.50), Open Evening £48.11 (£4.31) Tom Childs Award £47.50 (£7.92) and Repairs £28.22 (£4.70)

Total expenditure during these two months being £4031.89 a total of £227.87 of VAT is reclaimable.

Known expenditure due for payment before the next meeting are; Community Cleaner’s Salary, Clerks Salary, Repairs, Road Safety, H&H, Office, Tree Surgery and costs incurred in supplying items for L&O decisions.

The Clerk informed the meeting that all budget headings were as to be expected for this time of year and the showed members a further printout produced by the new software.

The income during this two-month period was £16178.18 made up of the second instalments of the Precept £15500 and Community Cleaners £640.38, £7.80 HSBC Interest and £30 from Councillors re the TCA Luncheon. Agreement to accept the Financial Statement No 4 and all the options suggested, plus the normal expected payments for up to January was proposed by P Bakker seconded by Y Martin this was agreed unanimously.


Staff Salaries Review; The chair introduced this as an item that requires an urgent review. Both employees have not had a proper salary review for several years.

Community Cleaner; the clerk brought members up to date with how he is funded for 3hrs at minimum wage by SKDC and the remainder by us. At present he is being paid just above the NMW but when this rises in 2020, he will fall below. After discussion it was unanimously agreed he should be put on the national council employers pay scale at level 5. This was proposed by J Lee and seconded by A Gregory. This will keep him above the minimum and show the level at which he is valued for his work over and beyond his duties. One of the things he does over and beyond is tend and supply many of the plants for the millennium garden. His travel expenses are to be looked at after the Clerk has spoken with him.

Clerk/RFO; for this the clerk left the room at 7.45pm and returned at 7.55pm. The Chairman brought members up to speed on where the council were at since his appointment in 2004. All this information was supplied by the clerk on the chairs request.

Since appointment in 2004; in that 15yrs the role has changed considerably as the council have taken on many more responsibilities’, many of which were instigated by the Clerk for the benefit of the whole community. These include the starting of the Newsletter and the Open Evening to keep residents better informed. He also instigated and still manages the Hills & Hollows which were now fully owned by the council. (See item 68/19re Clerks Contract).

Discussion took place around the Clerks reliability and knowledge of the Parish; it needs and his general council knowhow. It was stated he is a very valued member of the council and his salary should reflect what he undertakes on the council’s behalf. It was proposed by R Wright and Seconded by P Bakker that he be moved to the new SCP15 on the national Scale. Included in this proposal was that his working from home allowance be raised by £50 to £300 per annum. This covers the use of his phone, printer, WIFI and office amongst other things. It was agreed unanimously.

All agreed items regarding employees are backdated to April 2019, the clerk is tasked with seeing that this is done.


Leisure & Outdoor Committee.

All Areas covered by this Committee are as usual reported in this item.

The committee chair R Keeler gave some details on the last meeting of L&O committee stating most things were covered under separate agenda items which the Clerk would update members on.

a. Playground Safety: Our usual ROSPA Inspector should have carried out the annual inspection in October and we await the report.

b. Withambrook; New Backboards required for the Basketball court were done and one has already been broken again. The replacement sign on the fence re the history of the MUGA and the incorrect telephone number sign have been done. A Working Party is still required to do some tree work recommended in an SKDC report. The trees deemed to be dangerous in the wildlife area are somewhat overhanging the business properties next door. One company have been to assess the job another should have come yesterday we require at least one more quote.

c. Belfry; AMG have informed us that they have a new flywheel for the step trainer but will need some modification. Painting of the fence once again at present only one quote received but another is required Clerk to chase. This will be a job for the spring when hopefully the weather will be better.

d. Londonthorpe; the trees requiring attention on the roadside will be dealt with by WACS our contractor.

e. Hills & Hollows; a Small Working Party C Webb, T Parker, R Johnson, Cllr P Bakker and the Clerk repaired two of the Info boards, burnt some of lasts years brash, trimmed our hedge and trimmed back some brambles. Cllr P Bakker went back and completed the info boards work and cleared the rest of the brambles. He was thanked by the Chairman for this. The plaques supplied by the donors of the trees had been mounted on to oak by P Bakker were put into situ. The tree that died is to be replaced and some others planted. It was agreed on a proposal by R Wright seconded by Y Martin that we buy the similar collection (Parkland) to last year at a price of £125 including stakes etc.

f. Bridge End Grove; the extra bulbs to be planted in the autumn and a date is to be set by the 3 councillors who volunteered to plant them.

g. Fifth Ave; The quote for the replacement caps for new equipment has been accepted and the order has been placed at a cost of 10 @ £20 each i.e. £200 plus carriage.

h. New Play Equipment no new equipment required at present unless anything comes out of the ROSPA report.

i. Grass Cutting; our own areas have been well maintained by our contractor. There is though information going around that the R Webster Landscapes has been sold. What this will mean for us we will have to wait and see. Other areas have left much room for improvement especially LCC Highways areas.

j. Woodland Trust Working Party: we have held two successful events so far, but the weather has been against us on the first one we had to finish early due to the torrential rain. We still had 10 plus members working for us.

k. Five Gates; We await further updates.


Withambrook Crossing;

We are still waiting for more info from the Lincs Flood Team. Without knowing if they are going to want to use that area for a holding pond, members agreed that we could not take this any further at present. J Lee stated a problem caused by lorries at the car recovery firm blocking the pathways making it dangerous for people having to go this longer way around. This would require it to be reported to the police when its occurring.


Best Kept Gardens: Presentations were made at the Open Evening. A possible new category of most improved to be discussed by L&O Committee.


S19/1045 Belton View Farm Change of use to domestic, of a Nissan Hut Refused with PC’s observations considered.
S19/1675 82 Kenilworth Rd Garden Room Ext No planning reason for objection but appears quite large
S19/1621 3 Hoylake Side Ext No Objections
S19/1681 Mulberry Lodge Newgate lane Slight amendment to original plan NO Objections
S19/1787 1 Chatsworth Side Extension Enlargement No Obs
S19/1633 Isaac Newton Way School rooms lawful development Concerns about no outside space and location on an Industrial Estate
  Belton Lane, Willow Lane   Enforcement still dealing with unlawful temp buildings
S18/0944 Cold Harbour   Nothing new since refusal by inspectorate.
S17/0566 Harrowby Hill   Enforcement/Planning dealing no new application yet received

The Clerk has found a map in his collection showing protected trees along Belton Lane dated 1953. Yet SKDC Tree’s Officer tells us there isn’t one for the District. It was agreed each councillor was to go around their area of the Parish and report in any to the Clerk and identify all trees that we believe to be or ought to be protected. Cllr P Bavin stated that anything over 30yrs old could be deemed mature. Some areas already identified are the Pines in Belton Golf Course and the Spinney on the corner of Belton Lane.


Highways Notes/Flooding;

Chatsworth Avenue/Harrowby Hill Flooding; the remedial work that was confirmed for October on Chatsworth never took place; reason stated was that staff had to be deployed elsewhere due to flooding. New date is 19/21st November it has been advertised but no sign has been put up! Concerns that once again it won’t get done.

The Clerk, P Bakker and Cllr L Wootten did a parish tour with our Highways Manager Rowan Smith, which was very informative, and several items were raised and taken onboard by him. One item raised was the speed of vehicles on Harrowby Lane from Hall Lane to the High Dyke which residents are complaining about. We discovered that it is possible to request a speed limit without accidents and fatalities as we previously were led to believe. A letter to our County Councillor asking for the matter to be raised for consideration of a 40 or 50mph limit be applied, this was agreed upon a proposal by G Chivers seconded by R Wright all in favour. Some work is still required on the overhanging hedgerow covering the footpath outside of AW reservoir which is still causing a concern. This was raised with the Highways Officer for him to ascertain whose responsibility it is.

Southern Link Relief Road; we understand from Rowan Smith that work will be starting simultaneously on both our end A52 Roundabout and Spitalgate Level. This may be early next year. Some road closures are to be expected.

After eight months the streetlight on Harrowby Lane has been replaced.

Flooding around the Parish; as stated we have had nothing further on this, perhaps the flooding around the count over the last 2 months has kept them busy!

Londonthorpe Village Gateways; over the last two months a lot of background work has been undertaken on this project including a meeting with Highways Officer. We are now in position to take it further. What has been established is that we would not get Speed Ramps or a Chicane. The councillors agreed the following; High Road from the High Dyke 960mm a pair of return gates with a Village Name Sign on the left hand one. Spring Hill from Grantham 1500mm gates either side with Village Sign on the left, the same style will be used on Newgate Lane. Exact positions to be agreed with the Highways Manager before ordering. The approximate cost £4500 plus fitting which is expected to be around £800. This was passed unan. on a proposal from R Wright seconded by A Gregory. The further suggestion of planters is to be looked at after this initial stage is complete as we need to secure enough volunteers for the maintenance of them.


Precept 2020/21; the clerk had supplied all members details of the present position of our accounts and the anticipated expenditure between now and April. The leisure and Outdoor committee have kept their precept request at £15k this is considering the monies to be spent on Londonthorpe Village Gateways. The council will have clear carry forward of around £10k. although the increase in the salaries mentioned in 59/19 was not originally factored in it is still believed we will not need to increase our overall budget beyond the £31,000 of the last two years. On a proposal by J Anderson seconded by G Chivers it was agreed to request at a precept of £31k from SKDC.


Tom Childs Award; the recipient was Micky Stokes who raises fund for the Grantham Disabled Children’s Charity. Cllr W Charley managed the Presentation Luncheon on Tuesday 17th September at the Officers Mess. Cllrs Parnham, Bakker and Lee attended along with the recipient and her guest the parent of one of the children to benefit from the fund, also present was nominator and Kath Childs plus her daughter Carol. The Clerk was also there and conducted the event. The Chairman Geoff Parnham presented the Cheque for £200 along with flowers for the ladies’ present.


Parish Open Evening on 25/9/19; Unfortunately, we were a bit light on the ground with councillors due to holidays but those there coped very well with an exceptionally high turnout of residents. The LCC Flooding team failed to attend which was very disappointing. The Police and Woodland Trust both attended though and dealt with queries from around the parish. Other items; Londonthorpe Traffic Designs, Speed Gun Team, Play Areas, Casual Vacancies, Planning, Vandalism, Planning Matters, BKG, Tom Childs Award. and the other regular information boards. Most of the items we presented brought forward information to be used and in fact has been used to plan future initives.


Policies; members reviewed a basic Travel Expenses Policy and accepted it with a slight amendment to cover the cheapest cost of travel irrelevant of the mode transport. Proposed C Markwell sec Y Martin passed unan. with the amendment. It was agreed that the Policies Working Party will review the employees’ contracts and others where relevant.


Correspondence; As usual all relevant correspondence has been passed on as it arrived.

Matters for the Next Agenda etc.

It was asked if any information had been forthcoming from SKDC Enforcement Team re the illegal developments on Turnor Road and other areas of the Parish. The background councillor training that the clerk has offered to put on will be November 28th 7.00 pm at Belmont. Seven councillors stated they could attend.

It was also asked what the situation was regarding PCSO’s in the parish, the clerk stated as far as he knew it was as per the information issued in September where we should have a team of five in the East of Grantham patch.

Newsletter details for Spring Edition; Rev Sam Parsons to be asked to submit small article.

Meeting closed 9.15 pm.

Diary Dates are as per these minutes and the Autumn Newsletter.

Next meeting; 8th Jan 2020 at 7.00pm.