March 2019 Minutes

Londonthorpe & Harrowby Without Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 13th March 2019 at Belmont School 7.18pm following the Parish Annual Meeting.

Public Open Session; there was one parishioner present.

Councillors present were: J Anderson, G Parnham, A Gregory, R Keeler, Cllr G Chivers, P Bakker, R Wright, P Bavin and W Charley (9 Members were present.). LCC Cllr Linda Wootten. Cllr P Bakker the Chairperson took the Chair. P Armstrong the Clerk took the notes.


Apologies were received from Cllr N Craft, Y Martin, M Radley plus LCC Cllr A Stokes and


Declarations of Interest; None.


Clerks Notes of the 9th January 2019 meeting were accepted as a true record and became the minutes. Proposed by R Wright, seconded R Keeler, all members agreed.


Clerks Update on Matters Arising; none


Financial Statement No.6.

The Clerk/RFO went through the financial report in fine detail as is usual explaining all the payments etc. The Community Cleaners and Clerks salaries for the last two months Feb & March totalling £1419.12 was paid out. Fifth Ave Play Equipment, £6700.56 (Inc VAT £1116.76). Annual Office Cost to Clerk £240 re Mobile & Internet. ROSPA Inspection, £270 (VAT £45), Newsletter Printing £875. Hills & Hollows £18.93, Office General £23.28, Working Party £26.80, Newsletter Stamps etc, £94.80 Cheques for £156.80 were paid to LCC for the school room hire for the year, £7.50 to LALC for magazines and £474 for the new Picnic Bench.

Petty Cash expenditure owed to the Clerk during the last two months amounted to £163.80 this included Office, Newsletter, H&H. Total expenditure during these two months being £9668.49 a total of £1172.18 of VAT is reclaimable. There was no income notified but a small amount is expected in interest from HSBC before the end of the financial year. Known expenditure due for payment before the next meeting are Community Cleaner’s Salary, Clerks Salary, Repairs, Road Safety, Insurance and LALC membership. The Clerk informed the meeting that all budget headings were as to be expected for this time of year, except we have an under spend on grass cutting due to the last summers growing conditions.

Agreement to accept the Financial Statement No 6 and all the options suggested plus the normal expected payments for April to May was proposed by J Anderson seconded by G Parnham this was agreed unanimously. The Clerk informed members the books would now be closed until 1st April with the only exceptions being still uncashed cheques going through. Audit papers have yet to arrive but expected early April.

As mentioned previously the Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair are looking into introducing an Accounts Package specifically for PC’s the preferred one being Scribe. They are to have a demonstration to see if it is suitable for us. This would incur an annual cost of approx. £300.


S14/2169 SPITALGATE HEATH SQRR Clerk spoke at Appeal meeting; it was sent to the inspectorate for it to be passed off ready for work to commence.
S19/0173 73 SUNNINGDALE TREE WORKS Objection to the severity of work proposed sent to SKDC
S19/0181 NEWGATE LANE BATTERY STORAGE UNITS Objection sent on grounds of size and noise.
S19/0338 SOMERBY HILL/BRIDGE END RD SOMERBY HILL/BRIDGE END RD Committee meeting held, site visits to continue. Clerk will add any further comments to the objection letter. This shows concerns mainly over Road Safety, Flooding and Noise.
S19/0371 45 TURNOR RD LARGE EXTENSION Although large no major concerns.

Nothing further has been heard about the Harrowby Hill development; the Appeal was lodged on the 8th August and still no date or appointed Inspector is known.

S17/1378 Harrowby Lane Travellers Site the Enforcement Officer has still not replied about our complaint of the misuse of the site against the conditions of the agreed plan. One Static is now on site but not positioned as per agreed plan.

John Anderson reported back to members on his visit to the Western Power Conference. Matters of interest were the listing of people with mobility in case of emergencies; we could advertise this in the next Newsletter to make our parishioners aware. Concerns have now been raised about supply availability for all the Electric Cars that are expected. Wind Power in Lincolnshire could not be extended without further infrastructure work to move the electric around.


Leisure & Outdoor Committee.

All Areas covered by this Committee are as usual reported in this item.

The committee vice-chair gave some details on the last meeting held. The main was to deal with the “Grass Cutting” quotes etc.

a. Playground Safety: further repair work passed to WACS for completion. These are mainly items indicated in the ROSPA inspection.

b. ROSPA Inspection: as indicated above some items within the Inspection we decided to get done now although there was nothing major included and some things are changes to regulations after the time that we purchased the equipment.

c. Hills & Hollows; Tony Parker has been up to the site on a few occasions and trimmed back the hedge along the western boundary of the site.

d. New Play Equipment “Fifth Avenue”; the new equipment is now in place at Fifth Ave and is getting used. The equipment from “Kompan” is made up of climbing/exercise elements. We are still waiting for a cap for one of the posts to be fitted. AMG are dealing with this.

e. Grass Cutting; The clerk stated that he had sent out tender forms to five companies including SKDC and our current contractor R Webster. Quotes were only received from the two named; the committee agreed unanimously to again go with R Webster, his prices remained broadly the same. The new three-year deal will start in March.

As stated above L&O Committee will oversee.

f. Woodland Trust Working Party; We are still attracting new members which are allowing more work to be done. We now have record 22 members signed up with expectation more this month. New skills are being learnt all the time.

g. Daily Mail Big Litter Pick: the Clerk has signed us up with this initiative and we expect to have in the region of 30 people involved. The equipment has been ordered from who SKDC who will loan it to us and pick up all the rubbish

h. Bridge End Grove: the new Picnic Bench looks a very inviting place to sit. The fences and railings have all been repaired where necessary.

i. Defibrillator; we now hopefully have a site for the second Unit on Sunningdale at “Tailored Hair” , Anthony Boyle will be fitting it for us.


Highways Notes:

Chatsworth Avenue: we are still waiting for the next of a series of meeting with all interested parties to be called by SKDC.

We have been informed that planning is being done to enable to start on Chatsworth during the 2019-20 financial year. As we heard from the parishioner present, we know that the pipeline is blocked in at least one place as it floods his neighbour’s garden.

Harrowby Hill Flooding; here is no improvement here has already water continues to flow at a great rate from the field. AW are adamant that there are definitely no leaks from the reservoir but they are still checking the input pipes etc. over the last two months work has been ongoing within the compound but this is not believed to be linked.

Londonthorpe Lane; workmen have been seen at this site we shall have to see what progress has been made when we next get heavy rain.

Potholes: Repairs continue but they do not keep up with the problem. Cllr Wootten advised members to report any seen on this was launched in 2007 and the site covers the whole country.

Speedwatch; the SID is on Sunningdale at present.


Tom Childs Award: The award will not be presented for 2018 due to the family’s circumstances.

Nominations are now required for 2019.


Newsletter: this was delivered to all, with about 180 going out by post. This year it was necessary to add an extra leaf to it making it an16 page edition. This cost £125 extra but it was felt to be money well.

From the Newsletter we appear to have found a home for the Defibrillator and two new volunteers for the Working Party and Litter Pick.


Elections; members present were all given the paperwork required for them to stand in the next election of councillors, polling day is Thursday 2nd May. Most members completed the forms there and then and returned to the Clerk who agreed to take them to SKDC for them to be checked.

The date for the first meeting is to be the 15th May with a 7.30pm. this change was advertised in the Newsletter

This will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting.


Correspondence: All relevant correspondence has been passed on as it arrived.


Items Not covered Under Other Agenda Headings; J Anderson asked if we had any information regarding Alma Park has Belton House are trying to put together further information about the area. The Clerk will look into this on his return from leave. W Charley stated that there appeared to be no chance of the camp closing in 2020 but more like 2023 onwards. W Charley was asked to investigate access being obtained to the Jubilee Wood. This will be an agenda item in 2019/20. G Parnham, once again raised the matter of ownership of Ruston Road as earlier this year two drain covers were stolen and have yet to be replaced. SKDC councillors present were asked to chase this up.

Items to be added to May Agenda are, Salary reviews and the Jubilee Wood

Meeting closed 8.35pm.

Diary Dates are as per these minutes and the Autumn Newsletter.

Next meeting; 15th May 2019. This will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting @ 7.30pm. all elected members must attend to sign their letters of Acceptance of Office